Friday, September 2, 2011
1 Month Old!
I can't believe one month ago our little angel was born! What a wonderful month it has been! She has gained almost 3 pounds, grew over 2 inches, and is such a sweet little girl.
Fun facts:
When she sneezes she always says, "Oh" afterwards. Very cute!!!
She loves to play with her hands, often she holds them together like she's praying.
Don't get between her and the bottle! This girl likes her groceries!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Announcing Katie Mae
Here I am holding her just minutes after delivery! My husband and I were able to be in the operating room for the c-section.
She ate good and passed all her tests, so we were able to go home in just two days! The TPR was signed and we headed home with our sweet peanut!
In her preemie footsie pjs.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Today I Met You
When I saw you, I cried. I cannot wait to hold you in my arms and make sure you are safe every minute of the day.
I love you!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Shelby sees a Shrink
I picked up Shelby at 7:30am, got her to the clinic by 8am when it opened. Two hours later they finally called her name. After being in the back for half an hour she comes out and says we have to come back at 3:30pm. What? Why? Well she was just the intake manager, she did my insurance paperwork and they can't see me this morning so we have to come back to the after hours clinic at 3:30pm.
Okay, it is now 10:30am and I have to kill 5 hours. So we go get a bus pass, go to the thrift store, and the dollar store. She also wants to go home and change. She puts on a bathing suit that has a skirt on it. The suit was a little low cut so she puts a tank top underneath. Then she puts on denim capri pants, leaving the skirt of the bathing suit hanging over the top. It reminded me of something a child would pick out and put on if left to dress alone. They she put her hair in a side ponytail, put on a sun visor and flip flops. Okay, now only 4.5 hours to I decided to get a mani pedi for us.
Shelby has never had a pedicure and was so nervous about it. I reassured her it would be very relaxing. She loved the massage chair! She reclined it back and sank into the massage. The baby loved it too, she started doing somersaults in Shelby's belly. The lady doing her nails asked Shelby about her summer and they chatted. Shelby announced to the entire salon that she was ready for father's day, even though her daddy was in prison. She had bought him a bulldog tattoo (because he loves dogs but can't have a pet in prison) and a pinky ring. The girl doing Shelby's nails said that was nice and moved on, but the other ladies getting pedicures just gave me a strange look and rolled their eyes at her. It made me mad.
After our salon adventure we went to eat. Shelby ate everything on her plate, 2 rolls, and finished what was left on my plate too! We headed back to the clinic after lunch.
When we got back it was only 2:15pm, but they wouldn't let us sign in until we waited. Meryl came over and visited for a little while. Shelby finally was able to sign in at 3:30 sharp, and was 4th in line! Now the receptionist tells us that they only sign people at 3:30 but the actual doctors don't start seeing people until 5pm! Shelby fell asleep in the waiting room chair. At 6:15pm they called her back. The doctor refused to give her any meds until she had been seen and cleared by an OB/GYN and then lectured her and me because she is smoking cigars. (like I can control that)
I dropped her off at an AA meeting at 7:30pm. So 12 hours after I picked her up and nothing was accomplished. We waited literally all day to be lectured and told he couldn't give her meds right now! Sigh!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Meeting Shelby
***all names have been changed to protect their real identity***
We (the pregnant girl's aunt and I) went to downtown and parked in front of City Hall. We waited for Shelby to call us. We got out of the car and sat on the sidewalk bench while Aunt Lisa smoked a cigarette. We waited there for 20 minutes or more. Homeless people walked by and dug through the trash cans while talking to themselves. We acted like they weren’t there at all. It was strange. Finally we decided to drive down the road and try to find the church she said she was in. After a few blocks Aunt Lisa pulled over and said, “There she is! Who is that guy and she better not think he is getting in my car!” Immediately Shelby ran up to the car and asked if the guy could get a ride, Aunt Lisa said NO! Shelby got in. She wasn’t what I expected at all. In the photo I had seen on face book she was much heavier with a round face and large nose and thick eyebrows. This girl had a thin face, regular nose, and almost no eyebrows. She was thin all over except her belly and thighs and butt. She had her hair slicked back into a bun and secured with barretts. She smelled nice like she had just taken a shower, which surprised me. She was wearing blue and green plaid boxer shorts that had a poop stain in the crack. They were very short and she kept tugging them down. She had on a magenta bra that matched the magenta maternity top she wore. It was cut like a v in the front with spagetti straps with an empire waist. You could tell she had a baby belly, but it wasn’t huge. She also walked with a cane, I don’t know why. She wore silver flip flops and carried a torn bag full of books and such and a nice small purse.
She sat in the car and spoke with Aunt Lisa for a minute. I turned around and introduced myself. I told her my name and we shook hands. After a few minutes Aunt Lisa told her, “this is the lady that wants to adopt your baby.” Shelby said, “Oh, okay. Cool.” Aunt Lisa told her to ask me questions she might have for me, which Shelby thought about for a moment. She asked what I do for a living and if I could have kids myself. I answered her questions and then she told me she wanted to be either a forensic scientist, or an animal control officer. I asked if she was scared of animals, she said no. It was obvious from this very short conversation we had that she was a very immature, emotionally stunted person. I immediately changed my way of thinking and my tactic in which I would deal with her. She would need to be talked to and thought of as a child. I was not prepared for this by Aunt Lisa, but I could certainly handle talking to a child. I do it everyday at school. Shelby said she didn’t need to be invited to birthday parties, but would like to see pictures and maybe come to her graduation. I said that was completely reasonable and I would be happy to do that.
We took her to the Medicaid and Food Stamps office. At the office we stood in line to give them paper work, then sat in a small room in the basement and waited. Shelby and I talked then. She told me about the things she wanted to buy once she got her Food Stamps and her Social Security money. She wanted to buy a turtle (but wasn’t sure if she wanted a boy or a girl), she also wanted a porcelain doll, a bamboo flower vase, a Michael Jackson picture, and a mirror. Aunt Lisa argued with her about the turtle saying she would just kill it when she took off. Shelby said her roommate would feed it, or she would just leave extra food for it.
Shelby started to get a little uneasy and said it was warm and claustrophobic in there. I suggested we take a walk up stairs and go to the bathroom. Upstairs I bought her a Dr. Pepper and a Kit Kat from a vending machine. She picked up two different flyers about medical alert tags that she wanted to give Aunt Lisa. She was certain that you could only get one kind if you donated, and another kind if you had surgery. It became very clear that Shelby did not understand some very basic things. Those flyers just had sample tags that mentioned surgery or organ donors, but they were just basic medical alert tags. This was my second clue that we were dealing with someone who has a lot of problems.
While she snacked we talked. She told me she had been seen by a doctor 3 times, each time while in jail. She is due September 11, 2011 and had been thinking about naming this child Alexia Jada. Shelby quickly added, “But you can name her whatever you want though cause you’re the mom.”
We talked about who the father might be and she said that it could be 3 different guys. She used the restroom and then we headed downstairs to see if they had called her name yet. It wasn’t log until they did.
After we got her Medicaid card and while we were waiting for her food stamp card I called some clinics in the area to see about getting her in to be checked out. Two refused to take her because she is so far along and hasn’t had prenatal care, another one would take her but wouldn’t talk to me or Aunt Lisa, they had to talk to Shelby. After speaking with Shelby for about 5 minutes they asked to speak to one of us. (should have just talked to us in the first place…but they figured it out pretty quickly that Shelby has trouble communicating) So we booked her appointment for the following Tuesday with instructions to feed her a big lunch and bring a book because we would be there for at least 4 hours.
I didn’t like the idea of my baby (hopefully my baby anyway) being cared for by a clinic full of nasty people who didn’t give a damn about her or me…so I called my personal ob/gyn and talked to the nurse. Dr. was on vacation, but would work us in on Thursday and he took Medicaid! Perfect! At least now I had control of the care my baby would be getting and would be a part every doctor’s visit because Shelby can’t get there without a ride from me.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Waiting for a miracle...
I always knew in my heart that I would adopt a child, just didn't know when or how or why.
Now that the opportunity is here, it seems so simple and so obvious that this was meant for us.
Thank you Dear Lord! You are amazing!
Friday, May 20, 2011
I Pray for You
To my adopted child,
You aren't even in my life yet, but I pray for you.
I've never seen your face, yet I pray for you.
I don't know your name, still I pray for you.
My heart is preparing a place for you, come home soon.
Your Forever Mommy
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Mother's Day
Generally I find Mother's Day to be a bother. Not because I don't want to celebrate my Mom and Grandmother's...but because it reminds me that I am NOT a mother. My BFF sent me such a sweet text message saying she wished me a Happy Mother-to-be Day, and my mom gave me a card wishing me a happy Mother-to-be Day as well. And it is such a sweet thing to do, yet in many ways it just punctuates the thought that I don't have a child.
So I have decided that my first mother's day after we adopt I am having a HUGE party. It will be extravagant and everyone will have to come and deal with me gloating about finally being a mom. :) I think I will also post about it on Facebook until no one can stand me...haha take that Facebook!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Adoption is...
So we did that state approved Foster orientation meeting. Sat through 1.5 hours of the lady telling us all about the devil children and trying to make us scared. She made us say, "There ain't no such thing as the Gerber baby here." She was hell bound to frighten us out of foster adoption. We endured, we pushed through, we filled out the paperwork and held our breath for the phone call that told us all about when we can start our classes to get licensed.
That phone call did NOT come. Instead we got a call that went like this:
Me: Hello! So glad you called.
Dream dashing state lady: Hi, after careful review of your application we are declining to license you.
Me: silence
Dream dashing state lady: It's nothing bad or wrong...we just aren't licensing for children 0 to 5 at the moment.
Me: Oh...
Dream dashing state lady: We are only licensing for the harder to place older children. The tougher cases.
Me: Oh...
Dream dashing state lady: I will be happy to send you information for private adoption agencies in the area.
Me: Okay. (exchanged information)
After I hung up I freaked out. Seriously, the state wont even have us. Grrrr doesn't even adequately express my frustration. The next day I called a private adoption agency to seek information on getting licensed through them. It has been over a week and still haven't heard back.
I hear and see so many people with young children they adopted through foster care. The state is begging people to help out, and apparently we aren't gonna make the cut because we want a young child????
I think being a turtle is not going to suit me in this progress. I need to develop lioness like qualities.
Monday, March 28, 2011
A New Adventure for Myrtle and Myrle
Well I suppose after 5 years of TTC you come to a point when you ask yourself this question: "What is is that is most important to us, being pregnant or having a child?"
We asked and answered this question recently and decided that being parents was more important than getting pregnant. So we are now planning to foster to adopt. Our orientation meeting is this week and we are so excited!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Five Stages of Infertility
Most of us have heard of the Five Stages of Grief, I'm sure we have all experienced this at some point in our lives. I propose that there are Five Stage of Infertility.
Stage 1
You take your temperature 3 times until you get the reading you want. Perhaps you mark that you had EWCM even though it was just Watery, just so you can see those cross marks on the FF chart. Perhaps you even fake a OPK or two? Hmmm, we have all done it once, or twice. You read every story you can find about overcoming the odds, about having a period-like flow and finding out they were pg after and hoping that will be you. You are certain that twinge in your belly isn't gas but a baby implanting even though you know you didn't even ovulate this month.
Stage 2
Anger, Resentment, & just plain Snarky
So you mumble tacky things about all the pregnant ladies at the grocery store under your breath, who hasn't? You scream profanities at the television when another character on your favorite show ends up pregnant by accident. You tell your DH that if you see one more sonogram picture on Facebook you are going to throw the laptop out the window. Yes...we have seen you anger and embraced you wholeheartedly.
Stage 3
Maybe if I read all these books on fertility, and chart everyday, and take all my vitamins and read every verse in the bible about infertile women then I will get pregnant. Perhaps if I completely ignore all my normal TTC routines I will get pregnant on 'accident'. What if I promise to everyone who will listen that I will be content no matter what happens...then maybe I will get pregnant then?
Stage 4
Prozac...enough said? How many of us TTC veterans are on antidepressants? I would say quite a few. If you have been TTC for more than 3 years I'm sure you have considered it. Depression hits hard when you finally make it to this stage. Of course in my definition of the 5 Stages of Infertility I believe the die-hard TTCer will cycle through stages 1-4 many times before finally moving on to:
Stage 5
This may look a lot different for everyone. It may be you give up TTC and move on to adoption, fostering, or snow babies adoption. Perhaps it is donor egg, donor sperm, surrogacy, IUI, DIUI, IVF, or something else. You may even decide to get a dog or a cat and just forget about children all together. Doesn't matter when or how you get to this stage as long as you get to it on your own terms and are content.
May your TTC journey be less bumpy than mine, your BBT readings always go triphasic, your eggs be sticky, your DH's sperm be perfect, and your CM be abundant.
Stage 1
You take your temperature 3 times until you get the reading you want. Perhaps you mark that you had EWCM even though it was just Watery, just so you can see those cross marks on the FF chart. Perhaps you even fake a OPK or two? Hmmm, we have all done it once, or twice. You read every story you can find about overcoming the odds, about having a period-like flow and finding out they were pg after and hoping that will be you. You are certain that twinge in your belly isn't gas but a baby implanting even though you know you didn't even ovulate this month.
Stage 2
Anger, Resentment, & just plain Snarky
So you mumble tacky things about all the pregnant ladies at the grocery store under your breath, who hasn't? You scream profanities at the television when another character on your favorite show ends up pregnant by accident. You tell your DH that if you see one more sonogram picture on Facebook you are going to throw the laptop out the window. Yes...we have seen you anger and embraced you wholeheartedly.
Stage 3
Maybe if I read all these books on fertility, and chart everyday, and take all my vitamins and read every verse in the bible about infertile women then I will get pregnant. Perhaps if I completely ignore all my normal TTC routines I will get pregnant on 'accident'. What if I promise to everyone who will listen that I will be content no matter what happens...then maybe I will get pregnant then?
Stage 4
Prozac...enough said? How many of us TTC veterans are on antidepressants? I would say quite a few. If you have been TTC for more than 3 years I'm sure you have considered it. Depression hits hard when you finally make it to this stage. Of course in my definition of the 5 Stages of Infertility I believe the die-hard TTCer will cycle through stages 1-4 many times before finally moving on to:
Stage 5
This may look a lot different for everyone. It may be you give up TTC and move on to adoption, fostering, or snow babies adoption. Perhaps it is donor egg, donor sperm, surrogacy, IUI, DIUI, IVF, or something else. You may even decide to get a dog or a cat and just forget about children all together. Doesn't matter when or how you get to this stage as long as you get to it on your own terms and are content.
May your TTC journey be less bumpy than mine, your BBT readings always go triphasic, your eggs be sticky, your DH's sperm be perfect, and your CM be abundant.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Albert Einstein said this about insanity, "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
I think that describes TTC perfectly and therefore I am certain I am insane. Join me in the madness.
Mild Cramping
Above is the actual discharge notes given to me Friday following my cyst aspiration. Seriously? I don't know what dictionary they are getting their definition of mild from, but it certainly isn't the same one I use.
I went in to have 2 chocolate cysts aspirated and ended up having 5 aspirated from the same ovary!!! It's like a BONUS! Hahaha, like a really nasty bonus!
It REALLY REALLY REALLY hurts. My lap didn't hurt this bad and I had stage 3 endo!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Here's Your Sign
I just know I'm pregnant! Want to know what my first sign was? Chipped Fingernail Polish...yup! I know it sounds strange, but as soon as I saw my nails all chipped like that I just KNEW it was a sign. I mean my nails NEVER chip, EVER! I'm sure it is a sign, like all those hormones are making my nails weird so they won't hold onto nail polish anymore. Strange thing is, I haven't even had sex this month so it's like a total miracle! Okay, I'm off to write this in my baby book now. I think I will name my baby after the nail polish...China Glaze. :)
And if you are still reading this and looking at your own nails and wondering if you could in fact be pregnant please see a need help! LMAO!
And if you are still reading this and looking at your own nails and wondering if you could in fact be pregnant please see a need help! LMAO!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
The Facebook Fertility Conspiracy
So I think Facebook is a conspiracy. All the fertile people got together and decided to start a social network in which they (the fertile people) could brag about their fertile exploits. Oh, yes, it's true...a meeting was held and it was decided that as soon as you POAS and get two lines you MUST post it to facebook IMMEDIATELY. Then shortly after you are CONTRACTUALLY obligated to upload the ultrasound pictures and use one of them as your profile picture. Of course then you must also post status updates daily about how wonderful it is to be pregnant and how excited you are and brag about your total lack of morning sickness.
Once the sex of the child is determined it is imperative that you announce it at once, and then have lots of conversations regarding the best name for said child...or...and this is just for funsies...go ahead and announce the name of the child when you announce the sex. Then in the next few days upload all the pictures of the stuff you bought for the nursery and the name of the preschool you enrolled them in.
Oh yes...and once they are born you MUST (no negotiating this point) upload pictures within minutes of the birth with the height, weight, birth time, etc. Please make sure you also add that you are glowing and are so freaking happy you could burst.
Then in the years to follow please oh please blog daily about how much you love your children and what a blessing it is to be able to stay home with them full time while still being able to buy designer clothes, have a manicure/pedicure weekly, and get a boob job that you brag about often.
Yes, Facebook is a conspiracy against the infertile.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Say Hello to my Little Cysts
Here they are...oh yeah...the two little cysts causing me all sorts of pain.
The pink outline is the ovary, the dark spots are the chocolate cysts, and that small area around them is what is left of that ovary that can produce eggs. Not much left.
Stupid endometriosis! Grrrrr!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Evil Olivia Ovary Strikes Again
A vaginal ultrasound taken yesterday confirmed the two cysts on my left ovary are in fact endometriomas. Seriously! A 19mm and 22mm chocolate cyst mocking my fertility. The entire left ovary is basically trashed.
However this wasn't the worst ovarian reserve measured via AMH is 1.6. So the doctor then explained that .7 is empty and 7 is full, 2 is minimum needed/wanted for IVF.
Oh yes, Olivia is in fact EVIL! Not only is she causing me constant pain with cysts, but she is now denying me eggs. If I didn't need these organs for procreation I would have them cut out immediately.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Meet the Cast
Myrtle...the infertile
Merle...Myrtle's DH...also infertile
EVIL Olivia Ovary...she loves to produce chocolate cysts and hoard eggs
Mocking Matilda...laughs at every BFN and dares me to POAS every chance she gets
Mr. Sperm...he is seriously broken but tries hard
Eunice the Uterus...she likes to cramp my style
Myrtle Loves Merle
So next week I have a doctor's appointment with a fabulous RE. He is going to do a fluid ultrasound. While this sounds perfectly innocuous let me assure you it isn't. According to my good friend Google it involves filling up your uterus with fluid which can cause moderate to severe cramping. Yippie! My tail wags for cramping...
Now as you can imagine while I am relaying all this information to Merle his eyes start to glaze over. At the appropriate pause in my diatribe he chimes in with, "wow, you are just full of gross stuff today." Great, he totally missed the point, again!
"So," I ask, "are you going to go with me to the appointment or not?" "We will also be talking to the office manager about cost, timelines, overall plan, ect." Merle's response, "I dunno, maybe if work isn't busy."
Like I said in the title of this little blog blurb, I do love Merle. But sometimes I think a good bonk on the head would do him and me good. Perhaps he could have fluid pumped into his penis for a fluid ultrasound and see if he wants me there to hold his hand. Just saying.
Now as you can imagine while I am relaying all this information to Merle his eyes start to glaze over. At the appropriate pause in my diatribe he chimes in with, "wow, you are just full of gross stuff today." Great, he totally missed the point, again!
"So," I ask, "are you going to go with me to the appointment or not?" "We will also be talking to the office manager about cost, timelines, overall plan, ect." Merle's response, "I dunno, maybe if work isn't busy."
Like I said in the title of this little blog blurb, I do love Merle. But sometimes I think a good bonk on the head would do him and me good. Perhaps he could have fluid pumped into his penis for a fluid ultrasound and see if he wants me there to hold his hand. Just saying.
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