Monday, January 31, 2011


One of my students drew this today.  It is supposed to be a bear eating a fish.  Hmmmmm

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Evil Olivia Ovary Strikes Again

A vaginal ultrasound taken yesterday confirmed the two cysts on my left ovary are in fact endometriomas.  Seriously!  A 19mm and 22mm chocolate cyst mocking my fertility.  The entire left ovary is basically trashed.  

However this wasn't the worst ovarian reserve measured via AMH is 1.6.  So the doctor then explained that .7 is empty and 7 is full, 2 is minimum needed/wanted for IVF. 

Oh yes, Olivia is in fact EVIL!  Not only is she causing me constant pain with cysts, but she is now denying me eggs.  If I didn't need these organs for procreation I would have them cut out immediately.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Meet the Cast

 Myrtle...the infertile

 Merle...Myrtle's DH...also infertile

 EVIL Olivia Ovary...she loves to produce chocolate cysts and hoard eggs

 Mocking Matilda...laughs at every BFN and dares me to POAS every chance she gets

 Mr. Sperm...he is seriously broken but tries hard

Eunice the Uterus...she likes to cramp my style

Myrtle Loves Merle

So next week I have a doctor's appointment with a fabulous RE.  He is going to do a fluid ultrasound.  While this sounds perfectly innocuous let me assure you it isn't.  According to my good friend Google it involves filling up your uterus with fluid which can cause moderate to severe cramping.  Yippie!  My tail wags for cramping...

Now as you can imagine while I am relaying all this information to Merle his eyes start to glaze over.  At the appropriate pause in my diatribe he chimes in with, "wow, you are just full of gross stuff today."  Great, he totally missed the point, again!

"So," I ask, "are you going to go with me to the appointment or not?"  "We will also be talking to the office manager about cost, timelines, overall plan, ect."  Merle's response, "I dunno, maybe if work isn't busy."

Like I said in the title of this little blog blurb, I do love Merle.  But sometimes I think a good bonk on the head would do him and me good.  Perhaps he could have fluid pumped into his penis for a fluid ultrasound and see if he wants me there to hold his hand.  Just saying.